
来源:51考研网     更新时间:2024-05-24 01:33:07    发布时间: 469 天前   浏览:346    
最佳答案  中国科学技术大学数学学院导师介绍  个人简介  1993至2002年在中国科技大学数学系学习,2002年7月被授予理学博士学位,导师冯克勤教授、章璞教授。2002年7月起留数学系任教,2005年12月


  个人简介  1993至2002年在中国科技大学数学系学习,2002年7月被授予理学博士学位,导师冯克勤教授、章璞教授。2002年7月起留数学系任教,2005年12月晋升为副教授。  主要研究兴趣:代数表示论,同调与同伦理论,Hopf代数及量子化代数。  工作简历  1999.3-1999.7 香港大学数学系,研究助理。  2000.2-2000.7 香港大学数学系,研究助理。  2001.3-2001.7 香港大学数学系,研究助理。  2004.1-2004.5 法国高等研究院(IHES),K.C.Wong Fellowship。  2007.1-2008.9 德国Paderborn大学,洪堡学者。  2002.7- 中国科学技术大学数学系任教。   教学情况  主讲过的本科生课程:  微积分,复变函数,数学物理方程,群与代数表示论,近世代数,代数学  参与和主讲过的研究生课程及讨论班  同调代数,Lie代数,Hopf代数,量子群,及代数数论  科研情况  Publications   [23] (Joint with Yuan Yao and Yan-Hong Yang)(Quasi-)Poisson enveloping algebras,Acta Math.Sinica,29(1)(2013),105-118.  [22] (Joint with Xi-Nan Ma and Shu-Jun Shi)The convexity estimates for the solutions of two elliptic equations,Communications in Partial Differential Equations,37(12)(2012),2116-2137.  [21] (Joint with Yan-Hong Bao and Xian-Neng Du)Poisson Structures on Basic Cycles,Front.Math.China,7(3)(2012),385-396.  [20](Joint with Ning Bian and Pu Zhang)Generalized d-Koszul modules,Mathematical Reserch Letters,18(2)(2011),191-200.  [19](Joint with Gong-Xiang Liu and Hua-Lin Huang)Quivers,quasi-quantum groups and finite tensor categories,Comm.Math.Phy.,303(3)(2011),595-612.Available at arXiv:0906.3415.  [18] (Joint with Henning Krause)On the center of a triangulated category,Proc.Edinburgh Math.Soc.,54 (2011),443–466.Available at arXiv:0903.2635.  [17](Joint with Hua-Lin Huang and Qing Zhao)Hopf Structures on Minimal Hopf Quivers.Pacific Journal of Mathematics,248(2)(2010),317--334.Available at arXiv:0909.1708.  [16](Joint with Ru-Chen Hou)Ringel-Hall algebras of ^infty_{infty}$ type.(Chinese)Acta Math.Sci.Ser.A Chin.Ed.28 (2008),no.6,1077--1087.  [15](Joint with Jia-Chun Du and Hua-Lin Huang)Some new Krull-Schmidt categories with an application.(Chinese)Chinese Ann.Math.Ser.A 29 (2008),no.5,627--632.  [14](Joint with Ji-Wei He)On the Yoneda Ext-algebras of semiperfect algebras.Algebra Colloq.15 (2008),no.2,207--222.  [13](Joint with Xiao-Wu Chen and Pu Zhang)Algebras of derived dimension zero.Comm.Algebra 36 (2008),no.1,1--10.  [12](Joint with Yuan Yao and Pu Zhang)Quiver Poisson algebras.J.Algebra 312 (2007),no.2,570--589.  [11](Joint with Cheng Zhi)One-point extensions of $-Koszul algebras.Acta Math.Sin.(Engl.Ser.)23 (2007),no.6,965--972.  [10](Joint with Yan-Hua Huang)Constructing quasitriangular Hopf algebras via quivers.(Chinese)Chinese Ann.Math.Ser.A 28 (2007),no.1,39--48.  [9](Joint with Xiao-Wu Chen and Yu Du)On graded bialgebra deformations.Algebra Colloq.14 (2007),no.2,301--312.  [8](Joint with Ru-Chen Hou)Ringel-Hall algebra of infty$-type.J.Univ.Sci.Technol.China 36 (2006),no.7,712--719.  [7](Joint with Gong-Xiang Liu)Monomial Hopf algebras over fields of positive characteristic.Sci.China Ser.A 49 (2006),no.3,320--329.  [6](Joint with Hua-Lin Huang and Li-Bin Li)Self-dual Hopf quivers.Comm.Algebra 33 (2005),no.12,4505--4514.  [5](Joint with Xiao-Wu Chen,Hua-Lin Huang and Pu Zhang)Monomial Hopf algebras.J.Algebra 275 (2004),no.1,212--232.  [4](Joint with Pu Zhang)Higher Koszul complexes.Sci.China Ser.A 46 (2003),no.1,118--128.  [3](Joint with Pu Zhang)Higher Koszul modules.(Chinese) China Ser.A 32 (2002)No.11,1042-1049.  [2](Joint with Qing-Yu Wu)Finite-dimensional path algebras with all modules gradable.(Chinese)J.Univ.Sci.Technol.China 32 (2002),no.2,164--1710.  [1](Joint with Guang-Yu Fu and Hua-Lin Huang)Triangular decomposition of a quantized generalized Kac-Moody algebra.(Chinese)J.Univ.Sci.Technol.China 32 (2002),no.2,155--163.  Preprints  [1](Joint with Xao-Wu Chen)Retractions and Gorenstein homological properties,to appear in Alg.Rep.Theory,2013.Available at arXiv: 1206.4415.  [2] (Joint with Hua-Lin Huang and Gong-Xiang Liu)The braided monoidal structures on a class of linear Gr-categories,to appear in Alg.Rep.Theory,2013.Avalilable at arXiv:1206.5402.  [3](Joint with Hua-Lin Huang and Gong-Xiang Liu)On braided linear Gr-categories,2013.  [4] (Joint with Ji-Wei He)Finite dimensional Koszul algebras and Beilinson algebras,2012.  [5] (Joint with Pu Zhang)Some recent progress in higher Koszulity.To appear in a special volum to dedicated Prof Keqin Feng's 70-th birthday.  [6](Joint with Yan-Hong Bao)On Quasi-Poisson cohomology,2011.Available at arXiv: 1109.1758.  [7] (Joint with Yan-Hong Bao)Cohomology structures of a Poisson algebra: II,2012.Available at arXiv: 1212.3756.  [8] Automorphisms of path coalgebras and applications,2011.Available at arXiv: 1109.2986.  [9](Joint with Nikolay Dichev)Exact Abelian extension closed subcategories for tilted algebras,2009  [10](Joint with Gong-Xiang Liu and Hua-Lin Huang)Commutative Hopf structures over a loop,2009.Available at arXiv:1002.0405.  [11] (Joint with Yan-Hong Bao)Enveloping algebras and cohomology of Leibniz pairs,2013.Available at arXiv:1304.2636.  In preparation  [1](Joint with Ming Fang)Cartan matrices of filtered module categories and gerneralized Nakayama conjecture.  [2](Joint with Zhi Cheng)On Koszulity of a trivial extension algebra.  [3] (Joint with Bing Wang)The characteristic map of a path algebra.













本文来源 : 中国科学技术大学数学学院导师介绍:叶郁







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